Even though the healthcare world is moving forward in many ways, it tends to lag behind in terms of marketing strategy — especially when compared to other consumer-centric industries. Read More Marketing and Healthcare: How Do They Fit Together?
How PR is Different than Advertising
“If a young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is – that’s advertising. If the young man tells his date she’s intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he’s saying the right things to the right person and that’s marketing. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is – that’s PR.” – S. H. Simmons
Overcoming the Negative Stigma of Marketing and PR Campaigns
In the 1970s, people encountered an average of 500 ads per day. Today, consumers can fast-forward through commercials and install ad blockers on their browsers to avoid the millions of businesses that want to see them something. Even still, consumers may see as many as 5,000 advertisements each day. Read More Overcoming the Negative Stigma of Marketing and PR Campaigns
6 Kinds of Video Marketing That Will Dominate 2020
Video is a powerful form of marketing that seems to grow in popularity almost daily. Everywhere you look, someone is live streaming or uploading a video. The reason video marketing is so popular is that it is a highly effective way of getting your message across and making it stick in viewers’ minds. Read More 6 Kinds of Video Marketing That Will Dominate 2020
Search, Social, and PR: How You Should Balance Your Marketing Budget
2019 has come to a close, and we’re officially in 2020. For your business, that means more than just recovering from vacation brain. It means you need to start thinking about where you’re going to spend your marketing budget this year. Read More Search, Social, and PR: How You Should Balance Your Marketing Budget