There are many new and emerging technologies that will impact and shape the future landscape of SEO and digital marketing. There are a lot of SEO statistics that detail the prevalence of these new technologies and trends. One of the biggest ones of course is AI. Things like ChatGPT are extremely useful tools for SEO. In this article, we will be breaking down and examining all the different ways these technologies can be used for SEO, as well as the potential impact they will have on the future of SEO.
Keywords and anchor management
An essential element of SEO is keyword research, which has historically been a laborious activity. This is where AI tools such as ChatGPT come in. They can help you generate a list of keywords for your article with a click of a button. There are other tools like AI Analysis that can analyze anchor text usage, keyword variations, and semantic keywords.
Content Creation And Analysis Of Content
Is content marketing the future of SEO? One would argue that one of the biggest factors in SEO has always been quality content creation. Through the use of natural language processing, search engines like Google analyze a webpage’s content in order to match it with the user’s request. That’s why it’s essential for your site to have relevant and quality content. Tools like GPT-3 and GPT-4 have made huge progress in helping to generate believable content, despite the efforts of Google to penalize AI-generated content.
Ranking and Traffic Growth Analysis
A key part of your website is the ability to understand your website’s rankings and traffic growth. There are useful tools out there like Google Analytics, but they usually tend to take too long when interpreting data. There are more efficient AI tools like “Eye In The Sky” and “Rankings Analyzer”. They have the ability to analyze, predict and notify you whenever there is rankings growth. They can identify potential problems and offer solutions for them.
SEO Workflows
There are a lot of different elements and complex factors to take into consideration when it comes to SEO, such as on-page optimization, outsource link building, and keyword research. With the help of AI, you can automate these SEO-related tasks. A great AI-based tool to analyze data and your workflow is CORE AI technology. It can improve the accuracy of ranking strategies and effectively analyze websites. It uses artificial neural networks to learn from over 100 factors in order to figure out the best direction for your SEO strategy.
SEO industry is starting to embrace AI and machine learning more and more. The following couple of years will prove decisive on how widespread and successful these technologies will be in helping businesses and individuals rank higher on SERPs. There are a lot of great things on the horizon for SEO in terms of accessibility and ease of use thanks to AI. Artificial intelligence and the rise of mobile search will be the two major aspects that will determine the future of SEO.
Still, it’s difficult how exactly AI will impact SEO due to the many companies working on AI-first projects. Here is what we can anticipate from the effect of AI in the future:
Optimizing Visual Content SEO Will Become Increasingly Important
Visual content’s impact on SEO will become even bigger in the future. Around 70% of businesses predict that visual content will be a big part of their marketing strategies. The ability of search engines to decipher and understand an explainer video, audio clip, or animated assets like infographics is getting better and better. Google has especially become proficient in deciphering the content and subject matter of a video. This is a big game changer for video content creators. Similar to the way content writers need to do keyword research, video content creators have to take into consideration SEO for their videos and images e.g. keyword targeting, descriptions, tags, video length etc.
Predict rankings
There are quite a few variables to take into consideration when it comes to determining how your site will rank e.g. social signals, on-page optimization, backlinks etc. With all of that, it can be hard to figure out which one will make the biggest dent in your website’s ranking. That’s why it’s incredibly useful when AI tools have the ability to analyze all these variables and form a prediction on the impact that they will have.
You can use this data and analysis to create an effective SEO strategy. The aforementioned CORE AI has this feature and many other similar tools will be developed in the coming years.
Search engines algorithm analysis
Due to the volatile nature of Google’s algorithms, the need to do site auditing on a regular basis has become compulsory. This process takes a lot of time and energy. There’s also the risk of getting blacklisted or penalized by Google if you make a change that the search engine doesn’t gel with.
A huge development that we’re anticipating is for AI to be able to analyze the contents of your site and warn you if there’s anything that could end up with you getting penalized by Google. You can make the necessary changes so that doesn’t happen. Companies will have the ability to more consistently avoid the necessity of having to recover after a Google penalty in the future.
Monitoring and analyzing the competition
A big part of staying on top of your SEO game is keeping an eye on your competitors. It can be quite an overwhelming and difficult venture to be constantly overseeing all the updates they’ve done for their site and how similar changes will end up affecting your business. Tools like CORE AI will be able to monitor your competition and give suggestions on what kind of changes you need to add to your site so you can rank higher on the SERP.
More control over SERP rankings
Control over SERP rankings is quite limited at the moment. In order to for your site to rank high, you have to utilize SEO strategies and cross your fingers that it will get picked up by the algorithms. In the future, there will be more over the rankings on the SERP. With the further development of AI, you will have the ability to improve your site based on its analysis and automate strategies as well.
Consistent and stable rankings
The way rankings change can be very volatile. Thus the task of trying to track your progress can be quite hard and very headache-inducing. Thankfully, this is where AI-powered tools come into the picture. Thanks to these tools, you will be able to consistently maintain your SERP position and minimize the fluctuations in ranking. For example, there are AI tools like “Eye In the Sky” that isolate specific issues and alert the necessary parties to fix said issues.
Control SEO focus
SEO strategies and businesses’ approaches to SEO will be completely changed in the future thanks to AI tools, leading to much more successful results. It will be a huge determining factor for staying ahead of the curve and ranking highly on SERPs. Campaign strategies can be more effectively monitored and controlled thanks to tools like AI Dashboard, which also allow you to automate communication and determine the aggressiveness or focus of a campaign strategy.
Mobile Searches
Putting aside AI technology for a moment, a big determining factor in the current and future state of SEO will be mobile searches. Based on a recent study conducted by Google around 40% of online searches are done on mobile devices. 1 in 4 people use their smartphones every day. It would be a massive oversight if you aren’t optimizing your SEO for mobile users. Mobile-friendly marketing is going to be more and more of a necessity since Google is pressuring more websites to do so.
A major plus from this development is that businesses can market their services to a new type of audience. They can promote their app through their site’s mobile queries. This is an effective way to increase brand awareness. Due to its untapped potential, it’s a good idea for businesses to take advantage of it before it becomes more normalized in the future. To make your website mobile-friendly, you should hire front-end development team that will make it functional and properly designed.
Voice Searches
Another technology that’s also making a huge impact on SEO is voice searches. With the advent of virtual assistants like Cortana, Siri, and Google Now, it’s important to take them into consideration for your SEO strategies. Besides doing the usual keyword research for written conversations, it will also become necessary to do keyword research on conversational queries. Creating content with a more conversational tone will also be key.
The End Of Black Hat Tactics
Due to Google’s technology and algorithms becoming more and more sophisticated, black hat tactics will become more and more ineffective. Instead of trying to take shortcuts, it will become imperative to focus on more long-term strategies for your SEO.
Final Thoughts
What you have read so far may sound daunting and overwhelming. SEO is already a complex and difficult thing to get right and with the advent of these new technologies, it sounds like it will become even more difficult. But thanks to the improvements of AI, SEO should become more manageable and intuitive in the future. It will lead to higher amounts of automation, which allow companies to focus their time and energy on other aspects of their business. Hopefully, after you’ve read this article, you have a grasp of how the future of SEO might look like.
About the Author –

Nikola Baldikov is an SEO magician with a passion for helping businesses succeed. He is the founder of InBound Blogging, where he specializes in SEO and content strategies. He has worked with companies of all sizes and has helped them achieve their online goals. In his free time, he enjoys playing football and dancing.
PRmention is a digital PR agency for startups & SaaS businesses. Occasionally, we accept high quality contributed content and we’d love to hear any ideas you may have. Feel free to email us on if you are interested in contributing.