Category Archives: Marketing

Top Sales Data Analysis Techniques For Businesses

Any business that denies the importance of sales and marketing is a business that’s driving itself to the ground. Without proper sales and marketing strategies, a business will find it hard to grow at best and perform very poorly in not-so-good scenarios. 

Read More Top Sales Data Analysis Techniques For Businesses

9 Benefits of Social Media Unlocked for Business

Social media is growing and intensifying like a wildfire. There is a new app, an app upgrade, or a ravishing social media management tool out in the market almost every other year now. With 4.65 social media users as of April 2022, if you are still missing out on the trends then it is high time to jump on the bandwagon. 

If you are a business starting new or have some experience already in the market, It is never too late to start fresh. Once you are on social media as a brand, the big question is: 

Read More 9 Benefits of Social Media Unlocked for Business

10 Key Features of a Successful Mobile App

So your business is going well, and now you are moving towards creating a mobile app. You are on the right track, my friend!

But to sell to more customers via a mobile app, you need a good app first. If you ask any developer with experience in Android app development, they would suggest a few must-have features that are directly correlated to its success. 

You would undoubtedly want to get your hands on them, right? Without further ado, let’s have a look at them:

Read More 10 Key Features of a Successful Mobile App

The Role of Featured Snippets in Your SEO Strategy

There are many ways to tell if your current SEO plan is successful. One of clear success indications is when your content becomes a featured snippet. In this article, we discuss the concept of a featured snippet, what makes it important, and the strategies that assist you in turning your article into one.

Read More The Role of Featured Snippets in Your SEO Strategy

How to Do SEO for Website: 10 Fundamental Steps

If you already have a website or are starting to build one, probably you have already seen the term SEO. When the subject is conquering visibility online, promoting brand awareness, and growing with organic traffic, SEO for website is fundamental.

Read More How to Do SEO for Website: 10 Fundamental Steps