Category Archives: Marketing

5 Email Marketing Trends You Shouldn’t Miss

The digital world is one great equalizer. Small entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies alike are now using the same digital platforms to promote their brands. This was unthinkable decades ago, when bigger companies had access to costly advertising, such as TV and billboards, and small businesses did not.

Read More 5 Email Marketing Trends You Shouldn’t Miss

How to Create Digital Coupons That Attract Shoppers (Infographic)

A Coca-Cola businessman created the first known coupon in 1887 and since then, coupons have transformed into a huge part of the retail industry. Every day, billions of online shoppers around the world use coupons to knock a few dollars off their purchases.

Read More How to Create Digital Coupons That Attract Shoppers (Infographic)

A Complete Guide for Small Businesses to Achieve Social Media Success: An Infographic

The way of communication has changed rapidly for the past 20 years, the evolution of social media being the notable one. The accelerating pace of change in the field of mobile development shaped the impact of social media. Across the globe, the minutes spent by people on handheld devices tops any other activity. Mobile devices are the means to connect to anywhere in the world anytime.

Read More A Complete Guide for Small Businesses to Achieve Social Media Success: An Infographic

How to Nail Cold Email Outreach and Create Relationships

Any way you look at it, email marketing is the tactic to rule all tactics in marketing, which is not exactly news. It’s the most effective and long-lasting channel, one that can work for everyone and, as the stat below shows, is considered to be much-needed by brands and companies worldwide.

Read More How to Nail Cold Email Outreach and Create Relationships

SEO and Cybersecurity: Understanding Cybersecurity from the SEO Perspective

SEO and Cybersecurity

A Data Breach Investigation Report by Verizon reveals that small businesses account for nearly 60 percent of cyberattacks. Small business owners and entrepreneurs possess limited expertise to implement effective cybersecurity measures. Also, most businesses operate on a shoestring budget, leaving little or no funds for cybersecurity. This makes them small businesses a favorite target of cybercriminals.

Read More SEO and Cybersecurity: Understanding Cybersecurity from the SEO Perspective