Category Archives: Marketing

Secrets Behind an Effective Coming Soon Page

Are you looking to create a “Coming Soon” page for future content and/or products? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Some say that “Coming Soon” pages are only for big businesses, but this is highly incorrect. All types of businesses/websites can benefit from having a well-designed “Coming Soon” page and I’ll show you how and what you need to set them up properly.

Read More Secrets Behind an Effective Coming Soon Page

How to Write a Marketing Proposal That Will Get a Yes

Web Accessibility and PR

You probably know by now that one of the keys to a successful business proposal is having a great marketing proposal. Once you figure out what every proposal needs to have, you can create a template, set it and forget it and just edit a few details every time you need a new proposal.

Read More How to Write a Marketing Proposal That Will Get a Yes

Building Campaigns Around Customer Experience

From global brands to small businesses, there is an alarming trend happening in marketing. Instead of building a campaign around the customer experience, most marketing messages are focused on promotions.

Read More Building Campaigns Around Customer Experience

Evolving Your Startup: Tips and Tricks to Take Your Startup to The Next Level

Congratulations! If you are beginning to think of different ways to take your startup to the next level, you are in a rare position. In fact, 20% of new businesses will fail within their first year. So take time to celebrate the fact that your business has been a success, so far. With that being said, your work is not done!

Read More Evolving Your Startup: Tips and Tricks to Take Your Startup to The Next Level

Content Marketing and E-commerce: 15 Tips for Leveraging your Online Sales

Content Marketing for e-commerce is a useful strategy to generate more sales. The main reason for this is the approach: it’s deeper. With so much online advertising, automated features may not attract as often.

Read More Content Marketing and E-commerce: 15 Tips for Leveraging your Online Sales